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2012年01月30日 17:26????信息來源:http://fgs.aqsiq.gov.cn/flfgsjk/dzwjg/dw/200610/t20061027_16961.htm










List A and List B Diseases for the Animals Imported form other

Countries into the People Republic of China


I. List A Diseases

口蹄疫 Foot-and-mouth-Disease

非洲豬瘟 African Swine Fever

豬水包病 Swine Vesicular Disease

豬瘟 Swine Fever

牛瘟 Rinderpest

小反芻獸疫 Peste des Petits Ruminants

蘭舌病 Bluetongue

癢病 Scrapie

牛海綿狀腦病 Bovine Spngifom Encephalopathy

非洲馬瘟 African Horse Sickness

雞瘟 Fowl Plague

新城疫 Newcastle Disease

鴨瘟 Duck Plague

牛肺疫 Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia

牛結(jié)節(jié)疹 Lumpy Skin Disease


Ⅱ. List B Diseses

共患病(Multiple Specise Diseases);

炭疽 Anthrax

偽狂犬病 Aujeszky's Disease

心水病 Heartwater

狂犬病 Rabies

Q熱 Q Fever

裂谷熱 Rift Valley Feyer

副結(jié)核病 Paratuberculosis(John's Disease)

巴氏桿菌病 Pasteurellosis

布氏桿菌病 Brucellosis

結(jié)核病 Tuberculosis

鹿流行性出血熱 Epizootic Haemorrhagic Disease of Deer

細(xì)小病毒病 Parvovirus Infection

梨型蟲病 Piroplasmosis

牛?。–attle Diseases).

錐蟲病 Trpanosomiasis

邊蟲病 Anaplasmosis

牛地方流行性白血病 Enzootic Bovine Leukosis

牛傳染性鼻氣管炎 Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis

牛病毒性腹瀉?粘膜病 Bovins Viral Diarrhae-Mucosal Disease

牛生殖道彎曲桿菌病 Bovine Genital Compylobacteriosis

赤羽病 Akabane Disease

中山病 Chuzan Disease

水泡性口談 Vesicular Stomatitis

牛流行熱 Bovine Ephemeral Fever

茨城病 Ibaraki Disease

綿羊和山羊病(Sheep and Goat Diseases):

綿羊痘和山羊痘 Sheep Pox and Goat Pox

衣原體病 Enzootic Aboution of Ewes

梅迪?維斯納病 Maedi-visna Disesse

邊界病 Border Disease

綿羊肺腺瘤病 Sheep Pulmonary Adenomatosis

山羊關(guān)節(jié)炎/腦炎 Caprine Arthritis/Encephalitis

豬?。≒ig Diseases):

豬傳染性腦脊髓炎 Teschen Disease

豬傳染性胃腸炎 Transmissible Gastroenteritis of Swine

豬流行性腹瀉 Porcine Epizootic Diarrhea

豬密螺旋體痢疾(豬血?。?Swine Dysentery

豬傳染性胸膜肺炎 Infectious Pleuropneumonia of Swine

豬生殖和呼吸系統(tǒng)綜合癥(蘭耳?。?Swine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome(Blue-eared Disease)

馬?。℉orse Diseases):

馬傳染性貧血 Equine Infectious Anaemia

馬腦脊髓炎 Equine Encephalomyelitis

委內(nèi)瑞拉馬腦脊髓炎 Venezuelan Equine Encephalormyelitis

馬鼻疽 Glanders

馬流行性淋巴管炎 Epizootic Lymphangitis

馬沙門氏桿菌?。R流產(chǎn)沙門氏桿菌) Salmonellosis(S.Abortus Equi)

類鼻疽 Melioidosis

馬傳染性動脈炎 Infectious Arteritis of Horses

馬鼻肺炎 Equine Rhinopneumonitis

禽?。≒oultry Diseases):

雞傳染性喉氣管炎 Avian Infectious Laryngotracheitis

雞傳染性支氣管炎 Avian Infectious Broncheitis

雞傳染性囊?。ǜ时A_病) Infectious Bursal Disease

鴨病毒性肝炎 Duck Viral Hepatitis

雞傷寒 Fowl Typhoid

禽痘 Fowl Pox

鵝螺旋體病 Spirochaetosis in Goose

馬立克氏病 Marek's Disease

住白細(xì)胞原蟲病 Leucocytozoosis

雞白痢 Pullorum Disease

家禽支原體病 Avian Mycoplasmosis

鸚鵡?。B疫) Psittacosis and Ornithosis

雞病毒性關(guān)節(jié)炎 Avian Viral Arthritis

禽白血病 Avian Leukosis(祖代以上需作血清學(xué)試驗)

嚙齒動物?。≧odent Diseases):

兔病毒性出血癥(兔瘟) Viral Haemorrhaig Disease of Rabbits

兔粘液瘤病 Myxomatosis

野兔熱 Tularaemia

水生動物?。ˋquatic Animal Diseases)

鮭魚傳染性胰臟壞死 Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis in Trout

魚傳染性造血器官壞死 Infectious Haematopoietic Necrosis of Fish

鯉春病毒病 Spring Viremia of Carp

鮭鱒魚病毒性出血性敗血癥 Haemorrhagic Septicaemia of Salmonids

魚鰾炎癥 Swim Bladder Inflammation of Fish

魚眩轉(zhuǎn)病 Whirling Disease of Fish

魚鰓霉病 Branchiomycosic of Fish

魚癤瘡病 Furunculosis of Fish

異尖線蟲病 Disease of Anisakis

對蝦桿狀病毒病 Disease of Baculovirus Penaei

斑節(jié)對是桿狀病毒病 Disease of Penaeus Monodon Type Baculovirus

蜂?。˙ee Diseases):

美洲蜂幼蟲腐臭病 American Foul Brood

歐洲蜂幼蟲腐臭病 European Foul Brood

蜂螨病 Acariasis of Bees

瓦螨病 Varroais

蜂孢子蟲病 Nosemosis of Bees

其他動物疾?。―iseases of Other Animal Species)

蠶微粒子病 Pebrine Disease of Chinese Silkworm

水貂阿留申病 Aleutian Diseae of Mink

犬瘟熱 Canine Distemper

利什曼病 Leishmaniasis



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